Saturday, May 26, 2012

The heat demand have Levesen Brit MP

The heat demand have Levesen Brit MP

Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt of Britain Culture Secretary, Jeremy Hunt

Britain. Photo: Reuters

Besieged British Culture Secretary, Jeremy Hunt will be presented to the Leveson research this week at one of its most high-profile hearings to date.


face questioning on Thursday his office links with News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch, during their attempt to conquer the broadcaster BSkyB satellite.

It will test whether in their public expressions of support for the nomination were compatible with the quasi-judicial role was given to British Prime Minister David Cameron.

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Corby Game pardon grows

Corby Game pardon grows

The Indonesian government has been forced to defend the decision to release Schapelle Corby that a reaction against it is growing in Indonesia.

The convicted cannabis dealer must comply with the Governor of the prison of Kerobokan Bali night when Australia officially know the outcome of the clemency and discuss what it means for the duration of his sentence.

But popular opinion has turned against the player for 34-year-old former Gold Coast beautician, after the country’s chief justice, Mahfud MD yesterday criticized the decision, saying it was worse that drug trafficking and terrorism that the country deserves an explanation of its president.

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sea Shepherd leader fears for his life

Sea Shepherd leader fears for his life

Photo: AFP

Conservation group leader, Paul Watson, said he was surprised by his arrest in Germany, and emphasized “powerful enemies” of the Sea Shepherd campaigns .

answers to Fairfax Media, who sent him at an airport of Frankfurt holding cell overnight, Watson said that he fears for his life in Costa Rica if the extradition was granted by Germany.

However, he said that whatever the outcome of the case, the Sea Shepherd anti-whaling campaign in the Southern Ocean do not be discouraged.

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Friday, May 11, 2012

Details Brooks cozy relationships

Details Brooks cozy relationships


Rebecca Brooks, former executive of News International, was counted in the vibrant “harvest” of the relationship between the media and politicians, including text messages per week and “Lots of Love” sign-off.

Brooks, 43, was giving evidence to the inquiry headed by Justice Leveson that is trying to determine whether the close relationship between the media and politicians has been used to cover illegal practices as the phone-hacking in Britain.

He said the prime minister, David Cameron, a personal friend, was indirectly sent him a text message of sympathy, when he quit his job at Rupert Murdoch’s News International for the completion a long phone hacking scandal last year.

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Friday, May 4, 2012

Two British soldiers killed in Helmand

Two British soldiers killed in Helmand

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Two British soldiers were killed by enemy fire in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence.

The soldiers of the Royal Logistics Corps, joined the Battalion 1, the real battle of Wales north of Nahr-i-Saraj district of Helmand province.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

'Unjustified': Murdoch hits back at MPs who say they are unable to conduct business

'Unjustified': Murdoch hits back at MPs who say they are unable to conduct business

Video will start in 5 seconds.

British lawmakers considered unfit to drive Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation has hit back at a British parliamentary report concluded that the media mogul was not fit to lead a major company, who described the report as “unfair and biased” .

But the company also admitted that the report contains some hard truths “about” hacking phone in his London tabloid, now deceased, the News of the World.

Truth were “serious irregularities in the News of the World, that our response to the transgression was too slow and too defensive, and that some of our employees cheated the special committee [on average] in 2009 “News Corporation said in a statement.

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