Monday, April 30, 2012

Edwards's wife breaks backup support

Edwards's wife breaks backup support

Upset … Cheri Young leave the court. Photo: Reuters

The wife of a former assistant once presidential candidate John Edwards of the United States has dropped to the bench of witnesses, while Edwards recalls how he asked the couple to hide a report that he was doing and is justified by the money of wealthy donors to do so.

In testifying at Edwards’ campaign corruption trial, Cheri Young said that was curled around a mobile home with her husband, Andrew Young, Edwards pregnant mistress, Rielle Hunter.

the call, Edwards emphasized the need to preserve his 2008 campaign and maintain the relationship with his wife, Elizabeth, Cheri, said Young. Elizabeth Edwards battling cancer at the time.

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Friday, April 27, 2012

Justice ends the era of brutal Taylor

Justice ends the era of brutal Taylor


Charles Taylor in 2003. .. the curtain comes down on the man’s cruel to the Hague. Photo: AP

Charles Taylor was carried out with the arrogance of a natural showman and the cruelty of a bloody warlord in Liberia during its heyday.

Everything seemed possible in this surreal period, but the idea that one day he would face justice.

A moment Taylor was invited to the BBC World Service, the hijacking of the airwaves to deny arming the rebels in Sierra Leone, the following is presented on a throne, surrounded by the petitioners. Meanwhile, Liberia was looting, killing his enemies and feeding a civil war in neighboring Sierra Leone.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gingrich a close race against Republican attack Romney

Gingrich a close race against Republican attack Romney

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Gingrich: GOP candidate Romney

The Republican candidate Newt Gingrich, who seems to finally admit his defeat, but officially ends his campaign in a speech to party members in North Carolina in the evening.

“We must be honest at some point with what is happening in the real world, unlike what you would like to have happened,” said Gingrich, the campaign is $ US4.3 million ( 4.1 million) in debt.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sacred site of the Cathedral of cardboard

Sacred site of the Cathedral of cardboard

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board of the church to replace damaged

Cathedral in Christchurch.

The first shovel of earth for the new board of the Christchurch Cathedral was transformed, with its Japanese architect flies especially for the ceremony.

The service took place on site at the corner of Madras and Hereford.

Bishop Victoria Matthews led the service and the architect Shigeru Ban, who designed the building for $ NZ5.5 billion, became the first shovel of earth.

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Kiwi says Australian soldiers of World War I were bludgers and thieves'

Kiwi says Australian soldiers of World War I were bludgers and thieves'

Anzac spirit has taken a hit after the observations that a Kiwi journalist Australian WWI soldiers were bludgers and thieves.

The comments by journalist Jock Anderson, were made during a panel discussion on Radio New Zealand a new book by former Australian army officer and the Department of Veterans Affairs historian Graham Wilson .

Bully beef and nonsense, Wilson questions the myths surrounding Australia’s all volunteer forces who fought in WWI and WWII -. including the legend of the Bushmen of Australia, which has become a natural warrior on the battlefield

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Anderson said it was absolutely a myth.

“The Australian soldiers were reluctant most of the time, and were essentially bludgers, some of which – excellent black merchants, garbage collectors, poachers and thieves,” said


“From time to time, have actually been very good soldiers, but there was no way they can hold a candle in my opinion, for the Kiwis.”

companion speaker Josie McNaught said he was tired of hearing the petition was the Australian national identity forged in the battlefields of World War I, which was described as “a ridiculous cliche” that was “based very little. ”

Queensland back and Services League Executive Director Chisa McHugh, a former Royal Australian Air Force navigator, Anderson said the comments were offensive.

However, “The Australians have thick skin,” and do not think anyone would do harm to the opinions of a man, Mr. McHugh said Paul Henry on Breakfast Network Ten program on Monday.

When Henry said he had a suggestion that the official war historian Charles Bean of Australia “which essentially consists of wires,” said Mr. McHugh bean historical stories have stood the test of time an d remains to be seen if the book Wilson would.

“The athlete made his observations and his co-host made those comments, and they need to support that claim, rather than at the bottom have a go at people like me” McHugh said.

“I served with the New Zealanders. I thought it was brilliant and thought they were great.”


Bulls beat the Brumbies 36-34 Super Rugby

Bulls beat the Brumbies 36-34 Super Rugby


I went to third on the Brumbies Super Rugby table, despite being down 36-34 to the Bulls in Pretoria in the morning, Australian time.

leaders in depth of 33-13 in the second half, the Bulls were able to support a return Brumbies, which included three attempts in 12 minutes -. last hooker Anthony Hegarty on Siren Warning

You could have been a memorable victory for the ACT are not deductible wing Henry Speight threw the ball over the line with seven minutes remaining, but two points bonus put on the conference in Australia.

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Friday, April 20, 2012

Australian mother convinced the judge of murder

Australian mother convinced the judge of murder


An Australian mother has been convicted in Canada the murder of her two children after their bodies were found floating in a bathtub.

Alberta judge considered Allyson McConnell, 33, formerly Gosford on the Central Coast of NSW, not guilty of more serious charges of second degree murder.

Justice Michelle Crichton said that there was reasonable doubt McConnell was able to form the intent to murder two years 10 months and Jayden, Connor drowned in a bathtub in the family Millet, Alberta, home to the 1 February 2010.

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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Gall wants hostile Eden Park crowd

Gall wants hostile Eden Park crowd


Australia vice-captain Paul Gallen wants the people of Eden Park for the environment as hostile as possible to test rugby league Friday night against New Zealand.

While the workaholic back-borrower ceased to support the bottle release that characterized the last visit of the Kangaroos “In 2010, Gall said the taunts and abuse were part Package for visiting teams

“I thought it was fantastic in 2010 – I have no drama with anything” said Gall ..

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“Kiwi fans are very passionate and love their rugby league

.” The most important thing is to convince people, as many here as possible – it would be nice to fill or at least have more than 30,000

“needs improvement all Kiwis here -. Not care what happens

“. I think it was good for the game and really show you care “

2010 Test -. Of the Four Nations tournament – was the first time a rugby league international was played at Eden Park 22 years

New Zealand Rugby League. officials had hoped to achieve a mark of 35,000, with a large number of discounted tickets that broke on Thursday.

The Kiwis will win the His first test half a year since 1998, while also expects to take a bad streak at home against Australia, after having defeated the Kangaroos in their own country in five previous attempts.